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I’m taking on the ‘ 24 Hour Challenge’ again – arranging a new pop song within 24 hours of the release.
This time, I’ve decided to cover Taylow Swift’s Willow, from her new album ‘Evermore’. Loved the calm, foresty vibe of the tune. Perfect for a chill, cozy winter weekend at home.
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Hello, I’m Joe – I’m a guitar player, singer-songwriter, producer, recording engineer and teacher!
On this channel you’ll find my original songs, covers and solo fingerstyle guitar arrangements. My favorite music doesn’t fit neatly in a box so you may hear me play folk, blues, jazz, & classic rock – you can call it what you want; I feel honored to speak this timeless language of melody, harmony & rhythm.
I was born on May 25th 1991 in Kempsey, NSW, Australia. Since 2010 I have been based in the US and currently live in the Rocky Mountains of Montana with my wife, Genevieve (who teaches illustration on YouTube!).
I play Maton acoustic guitars, made in Australia (just like me) and am very proud to have my own signature instrument, the JR Signature!
In addition to song performances, you will also find guitar lessons, chord breakdowns, TAB, tutorials, gear reviews and other guitarist related content to help you stay inspired on the instrument.
I stream high quality livestream concerts regularly, if you’d like to be notified when I announce a livestream, you can put your email in here:
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Willow Taylor Swift Guitar Cover by Joe Robinson.