stream my new single ‘Sure Thing’ here:

stream ‘Not Able.’ here:

stream ‘Hear Me Pray’ here:

you can follow my channel for more videos:

or follow me on social media:

Last year I took a trip to England for a few months.
I wanted to get out of the place I called home for 22 years for once, wanted to see a little bit more of the world, speak another language on a daily basis and just break the barriers of the comfort zone that I lived in. It was an amazing journey. I met so many great people, made life long memories, grew so much by challenges life gave me, learned my lessons and so much about others and myself. I’m so thankful for all of that.
But being away from home for a while made me realize how much I actually missed it and especially the people there. It made me realize how lucky I am to have family and friends caring so much about me.
I couldn’t wait to be home again.. waiting for my flight back in September.

Right after this trip I co-wrote Sure Thing with my super talented fellow musicians @iamhatimusic and @ Dominique Levack. One of the most beautiful co-writes I’ve ever had! Right after, the amazing @iamhatimusic also produced and mastered the song and I am so so happy with the outcome!! So thanks to you guys from the bottom of my heart, I’ve never been so happy with and proud of a song of mine! Up until this point this whole thing has been an all-female-project, which made us very proud and happy.
Since we wrote the song I had the whole video script planned out in my head and so I asked the amazing @till_kumetz and his brother to help me shoot it.

I have never been more proud of a project that I was involved in. The story is real, the words are true and the emotions are just me.
All people in this video are my closest friends and family that this song is actually about. It is beautifully shot and all my dreams and ideas became reality thanks to all the amazing people listed in the video and in this description box. And now obviously YOU guys, the people that watch this video and listen and dance to my song! Thank you for your support!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone involved! I will never get tired of watching this, it means so much to me!

Big big love from me,

Angie xx
