Roswell Band – Jasmine Watkiss on Ukulele and Zoë Wren on guitar, singing at the Gladstone Arms, Borough on 1st July 2018.
Both singer-songwriters in their own right, this the the first song that Zoë and Jasmine wrote together.
Roswell Band – Jasmine Watkiss on Ukulele and Zoë Wren on guitar, singing at the Gladstone Arms, Borough on 1st July 2018.
Both singer-songwriters in their own right, this the the first song that Zoë and Jasmine wrote together.
Final week rehearsals for the 5th Anniversary Concert last May 12, 2012. KSJ sings “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus; Version arrangement from Hangad Music Ministry (wala nga lang akong piyesa…
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